Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cyber Safety

I set my classes up with epals this past semester. Their epals are students at a secondary school in France. I set each student up with an access account and gave them a lecture on keeping their personal information safe, on not sharing risque photos, and keeping their conversations clean. I warned them that I could get into their accounts and so could anyone higher up than me. I told them we would be watching what they say. Which is true. I will monitor what they do.

So I covered some cyber safety but I still didn't feel confident about the decisions they'll make. Like I said, I covered it lecture style. Mostly because of time constraints. I would like to develop a better lesson on safety and include etiquette too. I want to feel confident that my students are representing my class, our school, and our community well. This will be my focus for the project I will develop in this institute.

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