Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Digital Citizenship

This is a lesson I created on fostering digital rights and responsibilites.

Digital Citizenship Lesson

Three, Two, One

Three things I've learned this week:
1. Everyone should be teaching digital citizenship.
2. I want to integrate more project based learning in my classroom.

Two things I'd like to take back to my co-workers:
1. Everyone should be teaching digital citizenship. Its not that big of a deal.
2. We need to integrate technology; not fight it.

One suggestion:
1. I think one more day to spend on learning iPad and iMovie would be helpful. And I still don't know what Explain Everything is.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

SAMR and Project Based Learning

I'm more under augmentation in SAMR model. I use technology in the classroom but not in a way that the assignments could not be done in an old fashioned way. I do also fall under modification some of the time. I have students email their assignments and we make videos from time to time. I'm trying to move into redefinition through the process of communicating with students in France. I tried once to do a wiki but the students wouldn't get on it when I wanted them to and because of their lack of interest/motivation, I lost my interest/motivation. I believe I could do it better this time around. Students have become more familiar with using these sights in the classroom. Maybe I'll try again.

Project Based Learning is hard to do in a world language classroom but not impossible. I had my students plan trips to Europe this past year on a budget and it went well. They were surprised by how possible it was to do. I definitely will continue to use that project in my curriculum. Now if only I could get some projects going in which they have to use French and think that the assignment is just as fun and easy...

Cyber Safety

I set my classes up with epals this past semester. Their epals are students at a secondary school in France. I set each student up with an access account and gave them a lecture on keeping their personal information safe, on not sharing risque photos, and keeping their conversations clean. I warned them that I could get into their accounts and so could anyone higher up than me. I told them we would be watching what they say. Which is true. I will monitor what they do.

So I covered some cyber safety but I still didn't feel confident about the decisions they'll make. Like I said, I covered it lecture style. Mostly because of time constraints. I would like to develop a better lesson on safety and include etiquette too. I want to feel confident that my students are representing my class, our school, and our community well. This will be my focus for the project I will develop in this institute.